Sunday, 29 April 2012

Best Book Review Ever

Last week's review had me chuckling; this week's almost had me crying.

This is going to take a while, so fasten your seatbelts – it’s going to be a long and wild ride. Like getting your bra strap caught on the fake horns of a mechanical bull and you can’t get off until someone takes pity on you and unplugs the damn thing.

While I was mostly crying with laughter at the scathing review a part of me could cry that not only did someone write this crap, but people are reading it and, apparently loving it!  After last week's review I looked the first book up on Amazon and was startled at the number of positive reviews it had.  This week's is no different.  It has 23 reviews and sixteen of them are 5-star reviews.  It's the same on Goodreads.  The book has had 70 ratings and 30 of those are 5-star, 25 are 4-star ratings.

If these reviews haven't been paid for by the author, is it safe to assume that most of these readers are like this week's 'heroine'?  Dyslexic to the point of being functionally illiterate, but still able to read romance novels.  It brings a whole new meaning to 'read it and weep'!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Sparrow & The Wolf

I went with my husband to see James Vincent McMorrow back in February and he was fantastic live!  The only slightly odd thing about the whole night was that we were old enough to be the parents of just about everyone in the place, including the performers and the staff.  I think that, apart from one of the bouncers, we were the only people in the building over 30.  But, apart from feeling like a pair of old farts, we really enjoyed ourselves.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

OMG! pr0n

Matthew made in interesting post today on the subject of porn.  It got me thinking... as he often does.  Lots of random thoughts popped into my head as I read it.

One of Life's Little Pleasures

Today is #1 son's 12th birthday - which means I get to embarrass him all day by cooing 'you'll always be my baby' at him.